[Tutorial] Automate your social media posts in 5 min

I shared this app in a blog post some months back. I was introduced to it after my “go to” social media syndication tool phased out and started charging! But I took it a step further and recently did a video tutorial in my Market My Vision® Open House Facebook Group. By the way, if you’re a service provider, why aren’t you in it?

My homework to everyone in the group was to set it up over the weekend. Clearly they are loving it because they have automatic social media posts going out and they only had to set it up 1 time. NO scheduling! Easy, peazy, lemon squeezy. That makes me smile. 😊
4 Automated posting tool testimony from natalie gouche market my vision open house facebook group 3 Automated posting tool testimony from natalie gouche market my vision open house facebook group 1 Automated posting tool testimony from natalie gouche market my vision open house facebook group

So here is the free application you’ll wonder how you ever lived without! https://dlvrit.com/ 

I posted the tutorial here because I wanted to give you a sense of the cool bonus trainings I’m doing in my complimentary Market My Vision® Open House Facebook Group for the month of March. In addition to tutorials, I’m also interviewing some amazing clients and doing Facebook live sessions and webinars.

This Facebook group is for:
1) Service providers, coaches and consultants who want some simplistic social media strategies to start using now
2) Those of you who have been reading my Market My Vision® client testimonies and have interest in the accelerated group program (once a year) starting in April
This Facebook group is not for:
1) People who don’t have time to interact or implement
2) People who just want to be nosey lol (no seriously) you have no idea the amount of people who like to just watch and copy… that’s a whole different post though 🙄 #CeaseAndDesist

Now, the rest of the goodness (videos, tutorial, FB Lives) stays in the group, but you can enjoy this tutorial even if you’re not in the group.


Comment below and let me know if you think this tool is useful!