Black Friday Coaching FAIL

Did I ever tell you about that time I did a #BlackFriday special in 2010 where I offered coaching (at some ridiculously low rate) but forgot to put a limiter on it?

Good news was (a lot) of people bought.

Bad news. A lot of people bought! Lol

I was stuck doing 1 on 1 session with people all the way until the New Year and I couldn’t take on much else.

I mean, it was a good problem to have I guess, but I didn’t even realize I needed to stop these 1 on 1’s once a certain amount of people bought. I probably should have only done like 10 or so.

I was new to the service-providing thing, don’t judge me! I see that side eye. Lol Needless to say, I would never do that again.

I’ve since learned how to leverage my time with intimate group programs, webinars and workshops, all while giving my clients my best!

social media coach natalie gouche

This year, I don’t have a Black Friday or Thanksgiving special, but I am offering a 5 pay option on my signature #MarketMyVision program (Starting March 2019) until Nov 30th.

Peep the results

So, if you’re one of the ones who watched it sell out earlier this year, and last year, and the year before that… Contact me.

The timing and the new flexible option just might be what you need to finally say YES to yourself. Cause 2019 is a coming baby, and I’d hate for you to be on the same place next year.