Greg Dulan of Dulan's Soul Food

Why your “Macaroni & Cheese” Doesn’t (Always) Have To Be Different

Today I taught a group of 26 high school students via an entrepreneurial program by Los Angeles Urban League and I brought my munchkin with me. I taught the class some important social media strategies to help them with the businesses they drafted out in the class. It was a total blessing for me (to bless those students) and also to have my baby by my side. After I taught, the students and I headed around the corner to hear from Greg Dulan (owner of Dulan’s On Crenshaw) and eat some soul food.

He talked about his journey and his brand principles. Giving back, being involved in the community, cleanly restaurant, etc. But the 1 thing that stuck out to me is when he said,

“Macaroni and cheese is macaroni and cheese. It’s how you make a customer feel! That’s what it’s about!”

He went on to say that they rate customer service even higher than the food. It’s all about the customer experience.

My takeaway?

In a world where there may be several businesses just like yours (and it may be difficult to distinguish yourself) you can choose to pride yourself on a top notch customer experience that people will rave about. Now that’s how you set your “macaroni and cheese” apart from the rest!

1 thought on “Why your “Macaroni & Cheese” Doesn’t (Always) Have To Be Different”

  1. Yup, Mac & Cheese is mac & cheese. You get out what you put in, same with business. In a till of automated call centers, all I want is good old fashioned customer service. That’s exactly what I give. Thanks for the reminder I don’t need to be competing for the next greatest product, but competing with my self to provide even better customer service.

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