No engagement on my Facebook Page. What am I doing wrong?

Yesterday someone asked me a question that I’m sure many of you are scratching your heads trying to figure out as well so I thought I would make a blog post out of it. If you have a Facebook Fanpage that’s barely alive, hanging on by  a thread with 1 or 2 comments max, and fighting to stay in the Facebook newsfeed…continue reading for something you can do to start seeing results immediately. Like tomorrow!

K Asks:

So I’ve built my email list to 500 (yay) and have nearly 600 Facebook page likes but there is NO engagement. My FB post don’t get many likes ( 1-5 likes and 1-2 comments) and my emails have about a 30-40% open rate. What am I doing wrong?

My Response:

Congrats on your success so far K! If you aren’t getting engagement it could be 1 of 2 things.

1) You aren’t posting stuff that’s relevant to your audience

2) Your posts simply aren’t being delivered to enough people.

Number 1 actually helps number 2. So one thing I would do is survey those 30 to 40% of people who are responding to your emails and specifically ask WHAT they want to see more of. I love using wufoo. It’s free up to 3 surveys! Use your findings (from the survey) in your posts. Especially use their language. Their  feedback and language will help you create posts that resonate with them, which will encourage more interaction. When people interact with more of your posts, your content subsequently gets delivered to more people in the Facebook newsfeed!

give your customers surveys to see what they want to see on social media

I asked “K” if I could share this answer publicly  with my audience and she said, “Sure, especially if it helps someone!” So I hope that helped give you  a bit of insight into how to create more relevant and meaningful engagement immediately on your Facebook Fanpages! And if you have any questions or comments, leave them below.

Now, that 1 paragraph answer  was the most appropriate (and condensed) answer I could give K considering, this was all through a FB post. But if you need more in depth training (to see  exactly how I do that) plus the other Facebook strategies I cover in Module 5 of my 8 week coaching, you can get more info here. You’ll learn:

  • How to create a Fanpage (if you don’t have one)
  • How to use FREE bonus graphics tools to create a professional page without a graphic designer (my secret weapon)
  • How to build up your Fanpage (FAST) using your personal page and my proven & QUICK strategy
  • How to place  your 1st highly targeted, low cost ad to produce daily results and hit your target audience in an automated way (you literally can double your fan count in less than 1 month)
  • How to meet your ideal customers right where they already are (and get them on your mailing list)
  • How to implement easy contest, apps and tools to boost engagement and delight your fans

Not to mention the other modules like, Business Clarity, List Building, Email Creation, Twitter Mania, Video Marketing Madness, Website Creation, Better Blogging & lots more (like 3 Bonuses that I can’t share here) But once you enter your info here, I will send it right to your inbox okay? Check it right away because we start class on July 15th and I want to make sure you’ve got all of the details.



natalie gouche 8 week social media coaching

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