natalie gouche los angeles social media training

6 Business Myths That Held Me Back

Before my daughter was born in 2007 I wouldn’t have called myself an entrepreneur. I simply was looking for a way to be able to stay at home with her instead of going back to work. Nothing fancy, no big dreams, just enough to get by you know? Well, that self employed journey took me on the best ride of my life! I mean I’ve had ups and downs, successes and failures, good times and bad times but it’s all lead me to today.

It’s now 2014 – I’ve built a 6 figure business (from nothing) and I have the absolute pleasure to help people do the same in their businesses with online strategies mixed with  motivation and inspiration. So… is it okay for me to share with you the business myths that held me back in the beginning?

Myth #1: You’re a business owner, You should know it all – The first 2 years of starting L.A. Social Media Trainer, Inc. I struggled… BIG TIME! I thought that since I was teaching others, I had to know it all.  If I had to go to anyone else for help it made me weak and unqualified to do my job. So for months I tried figuring it out on my own. Working 12+ hour days on the computer, feeling unfulfilled even at the end of the day because I wasn’t being productive. I tried piecing things together from every which way instead of finding a mentor ; 1 source for my business woes who could guide me where I wanted to go because they had been there.

Honestly, this was the biggest decision and investment that paid off big time in my business. I found someone who cut down my learning curve, showed me what I needed to tweak and shared with me their mistakes so I didn’t make them.

Tip: Find a mentor or coach! It can be group, one on one, or from afar. Just get one period!

business myths natalie gouche

Myth #2 – You have to structure your business this way – When I started my company I was so confused on what I wanted out of it. I knew I wanted to help people and I knew I was blessed with this God given talent to easily teach and inspire, but I didn’t know where to begin. So I turned to the internet and tried to create my business model based off of what I saw other people in my industry doing. Now, there is nothing wrong with that (to a certain extend). I always say, “It’s okay to be a copy cat, just copy the right cat!” BUT, what I found myself doing was adding practices, products and things to my business that weren’t true to me. I felt I had to, because I was following someone else’s model and wasn’t clear on what I wanted and what could generate money. I quickly got sucked into doing things I actually hated doing. I mean I literally woke up in the morning dragged my feet and dreaded having to do some of the work  I ironically put myself in a position to fulfill.

Today I have come full circle and eliminated the things that don’t serve me, or have outsourced them so I can focus on my strengths and create a profitable business I actually enjoy! With the power of the internet and social media, creating the perfect business for you is really in arms reach and more achievable than ever!

Tip: Get crystal clear on your business model. What you will and won’t do, what you will and won’t offer. In module 1 of Market My Vision Coaching™, I will be going in depth into different income streams for your business and how they fit into your business as they relate to your strengths.

Myths 3, 4, 5 & 6: Listen to this business clarity call recording (559) 726-1399 code 615964 to hear the other myths and pitfalls that held me back and how I got over them. Plug your earphones in and listen while you work, drive home or cook dinner. It’s short, sweet and value packed!

For details on Market My Vision Coaching™ (8 week social media coaching) starting Feb 26th click here and enter your email to receive details. This intimate class  holds 12 seats and there are only 3 slots left.

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