Are you sending “Booty Call” Emails?

Okay… so what’s a booty call email? I mean, you are an adult so I don’t have to explain the booty call part BUT I will explain the email part. You’ve been rippin’ and runnin’ all day, your phone has been ringing off the hook, you’ve barely had a bite to eat and you walk in the house at 10:00pm and slap yourself on the forehead because you realized that you didn’t get that email out to your list. And that promo HAS to be out by the morning! What do you do? You whip up some quick copy and send that email during booty call hours because that’s just what needs to happen! Just so you know… I’m literally Chuckling as I write this. 🙂

Now in the email marketing workshop I’m teaching in Los Angeles this evening, I will be sharing the best times to send emails:

  • Tuesday and Thursday
  • Between 10am and 2pm EST

The word on the street is that those times deliver the best open rates.

So back to topic of this blog. An article I read online last year said that sending late night emails (also known as booty call hours) is a NO, NO because it’s unprofessional and your prospects will think, “Why are they emailing me so late?”

BUT, I actually want to challenge that notion (you know I’m a little unconventional at times). The reason being that, depending on your audience, they may not be online during the day. They may be surfing the web at night. And let’s be real for a second, 99.9% of us have smart phones and we are checking email every 5 minutes. Check out this video below. While it may not be an email case study, it’s still a VERY good indication that my audience is UP and ACTIVE online during the wee hours of the night. Would they probably be checking email too?  You bet ya!

NOW here is a case study from my good friend (and hair stylist) Tammy Golden of Tame Salon in Los Angeles. Funny thing is while I was already writing this blog post, in pops her email at 10:45pm. It couldn’t have been more perfect! I asked her if I could share and she said yes, and she replied that she had already booked 4 appointments in a matter of hours!

Here is the email she sent:

So here is my challenge to you: TEST!

Send one good ole’ “booty call” email. Go on and post a social update a few hours later than you usually do. Just see if your audience responds. And if they don’t, you can keep doing what you are doing. But you just never know until you try!

Comment below with your thoughts and share this article on your social networks. I’m sure you friends will get a kick out of the title itself.  I can’t wait to hear what you think…and more importantly, the results from your “booty call” test email.

See you LA folks tonight for the email marketing workshop!

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