Feature your business in Natalie Gouche’s 2012 Holiday Gift Guide

As you know I LOVE supporting small business owners and I encourage everyone to do the same when it comes to shopping. For the last few years I have done a gift guide for most every major holiday including Mother’s Day, Father’s day, Valentine’s Day and of course Christmas.

Click HERE to see a sample of the Mother’s Day Guide

My Holiday’s Gift Guides have created massive buzz in Google and even gotten picked up on sites like The Street with over 50,000 followers combined on social media. And biggest of all, the Holiday Gift Guides have helped the small businesses featured get sales, new clients and online brand awareness.

I am doing a 2012 Small Business Holiday Gift Guide and I’m looking for:

  1. Health
  2. Wellness
  3. Beauty
  4. Fashion
  5. Jewelry
  6. Entertainment
  7. Kid/baby stuff
  8. Personal care
  9. Personal development
  10. Gourmet food
  11. + Anything else great for the Holidays

**Note: Your business can be anywhere in the world. You MUST have a website where people can purchase your products and services.

Incentives for you:

  1. Gaining exposure to my network (over 15,000) of professionals, raving fans & clients! Trust me, they ROCK!
  2. Exclusivity (you will be the only kind of your product in the guide) Hurry and submit to make sure someone doesn’t snatch your slot up!
  3. Increased followers on Twitter! You will be mentioned in promotional tweets from @NatalieGouche
  4. Increased Traffic to your website (It will be listed in the guide) and promoted everywhere!
  5. Increased “likes” on your to Facebook Page (promotional updated on my fan page and more)
  6. Guide will be featured on http://LASocialMediaTrainer.com in a blog post + Several Email blasts to over 3,000.
  7. Link to the guide will be featured on my YouTube Channel with over 20,000 views and 350 subscribers. You know I LOVE to do videos so I will be posting that bad boy everywhere!

Please email me back with this info if you are interested in being featured:

  • Your name and contact #
  • Company name
  • Website link
  • Twitter & Facebook clickable links in this form -> http://Twitter.com/nataliegouche
  • Approximate # of connections on all social media sites combined (Important)

The cost is only $34.97 and the deadline to submit is Wednesday, November 7th!

If you are picked (meaning you have confirmation from me) please pay below.

Hurry & submit! There are limited slots. Last year the slots were taken within the 1st day of me releasing this. 

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