Twitter can be scary to some and a waste of time to most people but the strategy I am going to show you below has worked for me time and time again. Sometimes it works immediately; sometimes days, weeks or even months after but it works! And it works perfectly while I’m sitting on my couch without picking up the phone!
#1 Visit and sign up for an account
#2 Add your Twitter as a social account
#3 Create a automated DM (Direct Message) every time someone follows you
Be fun, genuine, likeable and REAL! Make sure to ask a question to encourage them to respond. This is the key to starting a dialogue where you can show your expertise! I ask people, “How can I support you?” because who doesn’t want support right? You would be surprised how many people respond and say “I need to get more followers” or “How do I use LinkedIn” or “You can support me by liking my fanpage” etc. POW! That is my opportunity! You see, the point is to get them talking to you.
Tip for Direct Messages:
Don’t be spammy (don’t include links). I used to use links in my DM and I got little to no response. If your Twitter account is set up properly your bio should have EVERYTHING it needs to attract people, including your website link. Check my Twitter bio if you want a sample.
Here is a sample of my Direct Message below. Most people don’t know it’s automated because I try and make it sound like what I would really say if it weren’t automated.
Close the business:
You will definitely want to have the Twitter application on your phone so you can simply respond to their tweets without having to be near the computer. Have your website links, FAQ’s, and FREE advice (from your blogs or articles) saved somewhere on your phone or computer so when they do ask a question, you can send it to them with ease. Free reports where they have to opt in to your email list are great! Don’t be afraid to mention a 1st time customer special or discount and ask them to join your email list AFTER you have given value. This is how you get the business folks!
This my friends works like a charm! Tell me what you think below!
P.S. Now if you really want to know how to make automated leads for your business without picking up the phone enter your email here and I’ll show you how to make people fall in love with buying from you! It’s kinda like an art form 
Thank you Natalie for this post! You are the