3 ways to “Cha Ching” in 2012

So it’s 2012 and I bet you said “This year I want to make more money”. Well let’s get started! Here are 3 things I have personally used to bring more revenue into my personal business. The cool thing is you don’t even have to have a business. You can generate darn near a full time income doing any of these things below. Here we go!

#1 Affiliate Marketing:  Do you like or stand behind a product? You can get paid for simply sharing it on your website, social networks etc. Large companies like Best Buy, Forever 21, etc. do it (so no need to get this confused with network marketing.  It’s NOT that).This is simply a business model that rewards you when a customer buys an item from a link you have provided. You don’t build a team; you don’t package and send out or deal with the product.  It’s pretty darn cool! You can go to ClickBank.com and sign up for a free account. Look for whatever industry you are in and find a program that you want to use and also feel good about recommending. You share it, people buy it and you get paid a commission. –> Here is one of my favorite affiliates.

#2 Workshops & Classes: Do you have something to teach? This just might be a lucrative model for you in 2012! My first social media workshops I did only had 7 people in it and I charged 5 bucks! Yes five dollars (bet you wish you knew me then huh?) lol. Point is…that grew to teaching groups in the hundreds and obviously being able to charge more. Now this model is a HUGE part of my income. I use Eventbrite to promote my sell tickets and build my list for future events. It’s a great system for free events or events that cost and it’s super social media friendly! Check them out!

#3 Webinars: This is one of my favorites! I Iove being able to sit at home in my pajamas and make money from doing online webinars. This is awesome because if you have a global business you can attract people from all around the world! This is great for teachers, trainers and consultants of any kind. Click HERE to see the Video/Webinar service I use. Here is the deal…you can use this webinar model even if you just have a product and not a service or training. Think of a way to give value to people. For example, let’s say you are selling a health vitamin. Do a webinar on “10 ways to live healthy” and include the essential vitamin that is in your product. (Then there is no need to make the entire presentation about your product. That is too much of a pitch fest!). Once you have clearly shown the value in this essential vitamin (among other health related things) your webinar attendees will want to buy your product! It’s kinda like magic 🙂

Use these 3 things to bring more money into you business in 2012 and let me know if you have any questions! You can always post on my Facebook Wall. I will surely get back to you and this will also help other people out who may have the same question!

P.S. Did you download my FREE social media success tracker? I sent it right after the holidays. In case you didn’t get it. Download it HERE and start monitoring your social media!

P.P.S. My daughter thinks I’m an awesome social media trainer…thought I would share. Enjoy 🙂

2 thoughts on “3 ways to “Cha Ching” in 2012”

    1. Renne I am glad you liked it! Start putting it into use right away. This totally can help make more money for you in 20121

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