Message Media Ed Monthly Lecture Series presents…BLACKS IN TECHNOLOGY!

Thursday, November 17, 2011, 6-8:30pm @ Message Media Ed 4923 W. Adams Blvd. LA 90016
I will be speaking on a panel on Thursday evening. Come join me and meet African American engineers from Google and Sprint, digital creatives in media advertising and video game/software development in an intimately designed space (replicated like a home living room). This panel will not operate like a traditional one! You will have the opportunity to sit amongst the panel, enjoy the comfort of an intimate, meaningful atmosphere and engage in casual dialogue prior to and after the panel discussion. How cool is that?
6:00pm – Guests arrive to network
6:30pm – Panel begins
7:45pm – Q & A
8:30pm – Announcements & End
**Light Refreshments Provided –$5 donation. Please share with your networks