She got 3 sales in 1 hour simply doing this…

I love, love, love to hear results from my clients and event attendees. Especially when they implement my social media strategies quickly.

By the way, I’m hosting a complimentary class in Los Angeles, Wed, June 29th. CLICK HERE for details and registration.)

I’m a good ole’ Cali girl but this week I headed to Texas and I hosted a meet n’ greet while out there. I had the pleasure off meeting some ladies I have been connected to for over 6+ years online and had never met in person. Even 1 past client of mine. Cool right?

natlalie gouche social media coach

This message below in particular just made my day! Hermilyn got 3 sales in an hour after attending the event and accepting my challenge to BE BOLD and transparent in her post. This is why I do what I do ya’ll. ❤  I simply love helping people get results!

social media coaching results

She says:
“I have a little confession. A few months ago, I relaunched Daccessoryplace with our BE BOLD BE YOU movement, but I have been playing it small.

I have all these great elaborate ideas just sitting on computer. Why? You may ask. It is the one thing that most of us are afraid of…

Yes!!!! You know that little R word call REJECTION.

The feeling (knots in your stomach) that you will be judged and dismissed by your family and friends.

A few days ago, I met Natalie at her Meet N’ Greet and mostly everyone had the same problem with that little nine letter word. Natalie challenged to speak my truth.

Today I am stepping out into my purpose to inspire women to step out of their comfort zone with accessories in tow.

It doesn’t matter what you are going through or been through. Just know that all you need to do is take the first step. “ – Hermilyn Marryshow of Daccessoryplace.